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Zebra Loach

By | Last Updated: 27th May 2020

Zebra loach, indigenous to the Western Ghats region of India, is a small-sized freshwater loach.  Their striped appearance gives them their name. It has been declared as endangered by the IUCN in the wild. The reasons behind this a limited range as well as an alteration in their habitat.  Popular among fish hobbyists, they were introduced to the world of aquarium trade in 1952. Aquarists desiring to attain this species should first identify the source of the fish available locally and only go for the captive-bred varieties.

Zebra Loach

Quick Information

Scientific NameBotia striata
Other NamesLined loach, candystripe loach, striped loach, crossbanded loach, thinline loach, tiger loach, zebra botia
OriginTungabhadra river area in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusEndangered (by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsPeaceful  and lively, fit for a community tank; 
School Size4 – 5
Physical TraitsStocky body; arched back;  flat, straight belly; red nose when young fading with maturity; deeply cleft caudal fin; and thick caudal peduncle
ColorsBrown body with vertical stripes of yellow; brown bands and dots on the fins
Size (How big do they get)Small; 3.5 inches (9 cm)
Lifespan5 – 8 years
Sexual DimorphismPresent; Male: Large and lean; Female: Smaller with a fuller abdomen
Probable Diseases Ich
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$8 – 10
Candy Stripe Zebra Loach
Zebra Botia Loach

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelBeginner
Tank Size30 – 40 gallons (113.5 –  151.4 liters) for a group of 5 

Water Parameters

pH Level6.0 – 7.5
Temperature70 – 79 °F (21 – 26°C)
Hardness3– 10 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowModerate to strong

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypePebbles, smooth gravel, sand, alongside caves, roots, and rocks for them to hide, keeping their shy nature in mind
Tank MatesCompatible with:  Bettas, guppies, clown loach, and tinfoil barb
Incompatible with:  Small corydoras (as the zebra loach could display aggression towards them since they too are bottom feeders); may eat shrimp species like the cherry shrimp as well as snails
Suitable Position in the TankBottom


DietLive foods such as glass worms, bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, and tubifex; fresh fruits and vegetables; as well as pellets, flakes and also algae wafers (since they eat algae)
Frequency 2 times a day
Zebra Loach Fish
Zebra Loach Size

Important Things to Know For Fish Keepers

  • They are known for their jumping skills, thus needing an aquarium with a lid.
  • Just like the clown loach, the zebra loach also sometimes tends to play dead by lying to their side motionless and still. If you find your fish remaining that way for a long time, unaware of its surroundings, consider inspecting it.
  • If you find that your zebra loach has disappeared suddenly, first look for them around or behind your tank, since they are efficient jumpers as mentioned above. They can even be hiding under the driftwood, rocks, or crevices if you have them as substrates for your tank.
  • A sudden change in your zebra loaches color might be due to alteration in water parameters. Conduct a partial water change and also check for other symptoms like restlessness, or loss of appetite as that may require medical intervention.


Q. Are the zebra and golden zebra loach the same?

No, the golden zebra loach and the zebra loach are not the same. The golden zebra loach, as its name suggests, possesses gold and black labyrinth-kind pattern.  It is indigenous to parts of India as well as Myanmar.

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