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Texel Guinea Pig

By | Last Updated: 24th June 2020

The Texel guinea pig, also commonly referred to as the ‘long-haired Sheltie’, is a cross between a Silkie and a Rex. First developed in Britain during the 1980s, the Texel is known for its beautiful long fur that forms gorgeous curls on its body. It has a wide, round head, and its body is shorter than most of the other guinea pig breeds. It is still a rare breed that has been recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA) since 1998.

Texel Guinea Pig

Basic Information

Kept As:Competition/show cavy, indoor pet
Suited For:Families with older children, experienced owners, singles, seniors
Temperament:Friendly, active, and curious when young; they become quieter and calmer as they grow older
Lifespan:4-7 years
Association/Clubs:Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club
Breed Standard:American Cavy Breeders Association British Cavy Council
Black and Gold Texel Guinea Pig
White and Gold Texel Guinea Pig

How Big do They Get

Size: 8-10 inches long

Weight: 1.5-2.5 lbs

Height: 9-10 inches

Width: About 9-11 inches

What do They Look Like

Fur Length: Up to 4-5 inches

Fur Texture: Long, smooth, curly throughout its body; the coat is coarser, shorter, and less curly around its face

Color: Black, white, black and gold, white and gold, brown, lilac

Care Level

Use horse hay pellets, corncob products, or paper bedding for your Texels, change the bedding when it is excessively moist or soiled. Check for tangles in their fur every day, especially around their hind legs where little tangles start. You may untangle hairs by gently using your fingertips.

Baby Texel Guinea Pig
White Texel Guinea Pig

Cage Size

A cage measuring 30 X 50 X 20 inches, with a floor space between 1080 and 1512 square inches is suitable for one or two Texels.


Like other guinea pigs, a Texel’s regular diet should include 80% hay, about 1/8 cups of pellets, a cup of fresh leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits.


Never brush or comb your Texel’s coat, if it is a show cavy. It is because combing or brushing causes the natural curl to disappear. You may gently brush its coat with a soft brush once or twice a week if it is not kept for show purposes. Regularly check for tangles and use your fingers instead to gently pull the hairs and separate the curls that become intertwined. Bathe your cavy when it gets dirty, but use your fingers and a fine mist spray bottle containing water. Keep its toenails clipped because long toenails may catch its coat and start a mat. When the fur grows too long and drags on the floor, you may use comb-type hair clips in order to keep its hair up.

Black Texel Guinea Pig
Lilac Texel Guinea Pig


Let your Texel run and play outside its cage for at least an hour every day. By giving it the chance to explore new places and objects, you will keep your cavy entertained and healthy.


The prices of Texels may vary, ranging from $30-$40, with the show-quality cavies being much more expensive. It can be a costly breed to maintain because it needs lots of grooming.


It is a moderate shedder, molting heavily during early summer and spring, which can be controlled with frequent gentle brushing. Make sure to use a soft-bristle baby brush.

Did You Know

  • Although Texels do not possess any rosettes or whorls, there is a breed called Merino, which has a crest or crown on its head and is mistaken for a curly-haired Texel.

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