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Six-line Wrasse

By | Last Updated: 27th May 2020

Six-line wrasse is a marine ray-finned fish species, belonging to the Labridae family, indigenous to the Indo-Pacific belt.  Mostly found in the coral reefs, this beautiful fish gets its name because of the six orange stripes running along its body. Pieter Bleeker, a Dutch ichthyologist, described it formally for the first time in 1857 as Cheilinus hexataenia. In certain parts of Thailand, the six-line wrasse is often collected by sea gypsies as their source of food.

Six-line Wrasse

 Quick Information

Scientific NamePseudocheilinus hexataenia
Other NamesSixstripe wrasse
OriginTropical waters of the  Central and Indo-West Pacific region including parts of the Red Sea, the northern part of Japan, north-western Australia, northern Great Barrier Reef, and  northern New South Wales
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsPeaceful especially if introduced to the fish tank last; active and curious, loving to wander around its habitat all day; displays a semi-aggressive behavior with other six-line wrasses mostly if living together in a small tank
School Size2 – 3
Physical TraitsSmall  and slender body with a striped appearance; a false eye near the tail fin helping it to escape from predators by confusing them
ColorsViolet body  having six orange stripes running horizontally; red eyes; orange cheeks with several tiny yellow dots; blue stripes on the anal fin; and  steaks of blue with a combination of green and yellow on the caudal fin; 
Size (How big do they get)Small; 3.9 inches (9.9 cm)
LifespanApproximately 10 years
Sexual DimorphismPresent; Males are bigger than the females also attaining a brighter coloration mainly during the breeding season
Probable Diseases Ich and bacterial infections
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$30
Six-line Wrasse Picture

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelBeginner
Tank Size20 gallons (76 liters) for a single six-line wrasse

Water Parameters

pH Level8.1 – 8.4
Temperature72 – 78 °F (22.2 – 25.5°C)
Hardness8 – 12 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowLow, moderate or high ( no particular requirement)

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeLive rocks, pebbles, and sand (for it to sleep and even cover itself if frightened)
Tank MatesCompatible with: Species of angelfish, clownfish, dotty back, tangs, butterflyfish (when kept in a reef); goatfish, pufferfish, and squirrelfish (in a non-reef setup)

Incompatible with: Other six-line wrasses, alongside members of the wrasse family like the leopard wrasse; lined seahorse, green chromis, and royal gramma; they could even be aggressive and attack crustaceans like cleaner shrimps and its species such as the peppermint shrimp as well as the hermit crab and snails
Suitable Position in the TankAnywhere (top, middle, and bottom)


DietFrozen mysis and brine shrimp, flakes, and pellets
Frequency 2 times a day
Six-line Wrasse Fish
Six-line Wrasse Size

Important Things to Know For Fish Keepers

  • Six-line wrasses are known to disappear for some time and hide under the sand or other substrates. If you find your fish missing for long, and cannot spot them inside the tank, check outside, as they are excellent jumpers and can dive out in no time.
  • Keeping their jumping skills in mind, make sure to attach a lid to the tank.
  • Check the live rocks and plants in the aquarium and make sure they are devoid of algae or pests like the bristle worms. This is because, the six-line wrasse often acts as a cleaner fish, consuming the pests and parasites present thriving on the substrates.


Q. Is the six-line wrasse reef-safe? 

The six-line wrasse is reef safe and does not eat corals and other invertebrates present.

Q. How does the six-line wrasse sleep?

The six-line wrasses are likely to bury themselves in the sand (if available) at night or may even sleep inside their mucus cocoon that they are known to spin.

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