Home / Rabbits / 7 of the Best Rabbit Harness and Leash

7 of the Best Rabbit Harness and Leash

By | Last Updated: 26th September 2020

Rabbits make active pets, needing a lot of exercise and playing around; and you will not be doing your part as their keeper if you just keep your pet locked up in your apartment. But, the moment you are to let it out, it will try to run away, and may even hurt itself in the process. A harness and leash might just be the answer to let your rabbit safely run around in fresh air as much as it likes.

Though the idea may seem strange to some, you can put a harness on a rabbit. It basically works in the same way as a dog or a cat harness. However, it is of utmost importance that it fits your rabbit comfortably.

The following guide can help you understand how rabbit harnesses work, and what you need to keep in mind when choosing one.

Rabbit Harness

Things to Consider Before Buying a Harness for Your Rabbit


  • H-harness: The two buckles around the waist and neck region of this harness make it easily adjustable. Some varieties come with straps for the chest, but it is better to remove it as it hampers movement. The ‘H’ type is more preferred than the other two, particularly for show rabbits, as it absorbs less heat.
  • Vest Harness: It covers the body entirely, minimizing the chances of escaping. A strap (usually Velcro) attached to the harness fastens it firmly around the rabbit’s neck and waist.
  • Shoulder Harness: This one is more like a horse harness with two straps – one going through the rabbit’s chest and the other around its stomach.  The arrangement of the straps shifts the excess pressure from the neck to the shoulder, lessening choking risks. It is less common than the H and vest harness and usually needs to be custom-made.


A breathable and adjustable material that does not cling tightly to the body would be ideal for comfort and free movement. Easy attaching and detaching systems also help, as rabbits are fidgety and won’t remain still for long. Velcro straps are good for this, while some come with buckles and clips.

Mesh and straps are the commonly used materials for the harness body. Mesh harnesses are soft and durable, mostly having pads on the neck and stomach, lessening chances of direct friction with the skin. The pads serve as protective gear against neck or back injury especially if the rabbit gets startled and attempts to break away. They are however on the costlier side.

Strap harnesses are easier to adjust, being cheaper as well. However, unless you get the right size and strap it properly, the front strap may slide up to the neck from its chest, causing discomfort or even a serious injury.

When it comes to the lead or leash, elastic nylon is the usual choice as they are stretchable, allowing free movement for the pet, and easy management on the owner’s part. You can buy an elastic lead separately if your harness comes with a non-elastic one.


If the harness is too tight, it restricts the rabbit’s movement, while a loose one gives it scope to escape. Harnesses come in small (chest: 7-11 in; collar: 8-10 in), medium (chest: 10-13 in; collar: 9-10 in), as well as large, and extra-large sizes (chest: 14-22 in; collar: 8-14 in). However, the size charts may vary slightly between brands — for example, the large measurements for one variety could be listed as extra-large for another.

So, to find the right-sized harness measuring your rabbit accurately is important.  To measure its length, hold the tape at the base of its neck to halfway down the spine, approximately 2 inches behind the forelegs. To get the size of its neck, wrap the tape loosely around, and at the same time, hold the rabbit down gently. Eventually, start tightening the tape, bit by bit to the point where it perfectly sits around the neck.

7 of the Best Rabbit Harnesses With Leash

1. Niteangel Adjustable Soft Harness with Elastic Leash

Niteangel Adjustable Soft Harness

Pros: The mesh harness is sturdy and well-sewn, having extra padding, and a clean finish without loose threads hanging around. The Velcro and the clip around the neck are securely affixed, lessening chances of an accident. It is available in different sizes and is suitable for even small breeds like Holland lop.

Cons: Some users find the sizes mentioned on the package a little inaccurate. Like, if your pet weighs 5lb, he may need a medium harness instead of the small one.

Final Word: Overall, it is a comfortable harness, which the rabbits can wear all day long, even while sleeping.  It even helps them move around freely.

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2. Persuper – 2-Pack Pet Rabbit Harness and Leash

2 Pack Pet Rabbit Harness Leash for Soft Nylon

Pros: The nylon material is soft and breathable, providing comfort, particularly in summer.  Because of its lightweight nature, it does not put any extra strain on the rabbit’s neck. It is easily adjustable and suitable for various breeds like Netherland dwarf and Holland lop. It comes with an affordable price tag attached to it.

Cons: Some have found the product to be too small for their pets, despite going for the recommended size. Putting this on your bunny might also be difficult without assistance.

Final Word:  It would certainly take care of the rabbit’s comfort level because of its high-quality material and flexibility.

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3. Pettom Bunny Rabbit Harness

Pettom Bunny Rabbit Harness

Pros: The breathable mesh material would avoid overheating, suited to be worn all-year-round. The stretchy leash lessens the chances of hurting or straining the rabbit’s neck even when it pulls at it. The dwarf rabbit is one among the several breeds that it is apt for.

Cons: The neck area could be a little loose, giving the rabbit scope to sneak out easily.

Final Word: Nevertheless, it is a sturdy leash, fitting firmly onto the rabbit’s body.

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4. Kaytee Comfort Harness & Stretchy Leash

Kaytee Comfort Harness

Pros: Comes with a 6 ft stretchy leash and firmly fixed Velcro straps so you can easily take a walk with your rabbit.

Cons:  Selecting a size bigger than the one mentioned on the pack would be a preferred option. The D ring on the harness to which the leash is attached is said to be a little loosely fixed and could come out at the slightest pull, giving the rabbit the scope to escape.

Final Word:  On the whole, this lightweight harness comes with good fitting, making it easy for your rabbit to adjust in it.

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5. Trixie Pet Products Soft Harness with Leash-Nylon

Trixie Pet Products Soft Harness with Leash-Nylon

Pros: The mesh harness, and nylon leash, provides a good experience for the pet. It is adjustable at the belly and chest, and rabbits can wear it even as they grow in size. The flexible leash prevents the harness from tightening on the rabbit if it pulls at it suddenly. Comes in multiple colors.

Cons: The stretchy leash could be a bane too, as it may get difficult to control the rabbit instantly if it is heading towards a direction it shouldn’t go. Some have even found a little discrepancy in the size and color from what was mentioned in the package.

Final Word:  In totality, the harness-leash combo ranks high in durability and comfort.

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6. Coastal Rabbit Harness

Coastal Rabbit Harness

Pros: This one-piece harness-leash combination with a reasonable price is the right choice for those who do not want to opt for the vest-styled ones covering the rabbit’s entire body. It holds the animal firmly on two points, the neck, and waist, minimizing its scope to escape quickly.

Cons: It could stick to the animal’s fur a little, making it a bit tedious for owners to unleash their pets. The lead is moderately sized, and people looking for longer ones may have to attach a rope to it. Certain owners find the slip knot design of this harness stressful for their rabbits since it is a little tight.

Final Word: The harness suits rabbits with various body statures, even the small-bodied ones.

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7. Vehomy Halloween ‘Police’ Harness & Leash for Rabbits and Small Pets

Vehomy Small Animals Halloween Harness Leash

Pros: The oxford material that goes into making the harness’ outer layer can be easily cleaned. The Velcro around its neck and chest is soft, but firmly fixed, reducing escaping scope.

Cons: One of the main drawbacks most owners have faced is its size, as many have found it too large or too small than the ones they had ordered for.

Final Word: Durable and nicely made with a reasonable cost; this stands an ideal harness, particularly for smaller pets.

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Tips for Taking Your Bunny Out for Walk on Leash

Give them time to get used to wearing a leash: It’s quite natural for the rabbit not to accept the harness instantly, so give it some time and allow it to get familiar with the new harness, even before you try to put it on your rabbit.  Once you have your rabbit to put on the harness, let it move around within its home environment for a few days before you start taking it out. A rule of thumb is to avoid forcing your pet to wear the harness.

Never force them to do anything when out: When taking them outdoors, choose a less stressful or quiet location as rabbits stress easily. The animals would try jumping or jerking with the leash on, if they sense danger, ending up hurting themselves. For the same reason, young children should not be allowed alone to take the rabbit out on a lead.

Keep them safe at all times: Maintaining caution when taking them out on a leash is your utmost priority. Avoid any triggers like excessive heat or fluctuating weather conditions, harmful plants, predators like dogs and cats, or anything else that could stress the rabbit.


Q.1. Can you use a cat and dog harnesses on a rabbit?

Ans. The figure 8 harness that dogs and cats wear are a strict no-no for rabbits as there are chances of injury. However, the other regular varieties seen in the dog and cat section would be fine, particularly if you plan to train your rabbit.

Q.2. Will a simple collar work instead of a harness for rabbits?

Ans. A collar will not work for rabbits since it could severely hurt its delicate neck.

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