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Ram Cichlid

By | Last Updated: 1st June 2020

Ram cichlid or German blue ram, one of its popular alternate names, is a freshwater fish indigenous to certain parts of South America. It took its name after Manuel Ramirez, who collected and imported this fish species for the aquarium trade. R.R. Harry and George S. Myers initially described it as Apistogramma ramirezi until it acquired its present name. Its attractive appearance and peaceful, docile nature make for a popular choice in the aquarium trade. Sold under various common names, this species was examined in the studies analyzing fish behavior.

Ram Cichlid

Quick Information

Scientific NameMikrogeophagus ramirezi
Other NamesRamirezi, Asian ram, German blue ram, blue ram, ram, dwarf butterfly cichlid, butterfly cichlid, Ramirez’ dwarf cichlid
OriginOrinoco River Basin in the savannah regions of Colombia and Venezuela in South America
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusNot recorded
Behavioral CharacteristicsPeaceful, thriving well with other cichlid or non-cichlid species which are not aggressive
School Size2 – 3 (mostly kept in pairs)
Physical TraitsColorful, oval-shaped body; pointed tails and fins;
ColorsBright yellow and green body with patches of white and blue; red eyes; red or yellow fins with lines of blue; black curved lines throughout the body while a spot of the same color is seen at the center
Size (How big do they get)Small;  2 inches (5 cm)
Lifespan3 – 4 years
Sexual DimorphismMale: Large with a long body

Female: Shorter, stocky body than their male counterparts with no extended filaments on the dorsal and ventral parts; also have a reddish-purple coloration on their abdomen as well a blue patch on the region below their dorsal fin
Probable Diseases Ich, fish tuberculosis, dropsy, bacterial diseases, parasitic infection, Costia disease, hole in the head (common in cichlids)
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$7 – 8
Blue Ram Cichlid
Ram Cichlid Size

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelIntermediate
Tank Size10 gallons (37.8 liters)  for a single fish

Water Parameters

pH Level5.5 – 7.0   
Temperature78 – 85°F (25.5 – 29.4°C)
Hardness6 – 14 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowLow

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeGravel, sand, large rocks (for decoration), plants, and driftwood
Tank MatesCompatible with:  Silver dollar, discus, dwarf gourami, neon tetra, angelfish, cardinal tetra, rummy nose tetra, guppies, kribensis, bettas, clown loach, kuhli loach, and corydoras

Incompatible with: Big aggressive fish like jaguar cichlid and green terror
Suitable Position in the TankBottom


Diet Omnivorous and can feed on flakes, pellets as well as live foods
Frequency 2 – 3 times a day
German Blue Ram Cichlid
Ram Cichlid Fish

Important Things to Know For Fish Keepers

  • If you spot your ram cichlid breathing fast, one of the prime reasons could be due to stress as it takes time to acclimatize. In case you spot other symptoms apart from inconsistent breathing, consult a fish vet at the earliest.
  • While selecting the substrate for your fish’s tank, avoid going for the aragonite sand often sold in the markets as cichlid sand. It pollutes the water with harmful minerals, increasing the general and carbonate hardness along with the pH level.


Q. What are the different types of ram cichlids?

There are several strains of the ram cichlid like the electric blue ram, Bolivian ram, and gold ram mostly developed in Asia for fishkeeping hobby. They are large and fat with balloon-like bodies and long fins. However, such species have a low fertility level and are more susceptible to health problems.

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