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Purple Tang

By | Last Updated: 10th June 2020

Purple tang, a surgeonfish species of the Acanthuridae family, was first described by English zoologist purple tang in 1852. Initially, they were said to be indigenous only to the area surrounding the Red Sea. However, as per the existing records, they have a wide range in the Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Gulf of Eden. Their purple body with a bright yellow tail makes them one of the prettiest and costliest of tang species.

Purple Tang

Quick Information

Scientific NameZebrasoma xanthurum
Other NamesYellowtail tang
OriginRed Sea, Gulf of Eden, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf
TypeSaltwater fish
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsActive, but aggressive, especially towards other tang species like the yellow tang; juveniles exhibit a secretive and solitary behavior
School SizeMostly thrive individually, though they also occur in schools of 2 – 3 pairs
Physical TraitsDisc-like body similar to all surgeonfish species; giant-sized anal and dorsal fins; slightly extended snout; scalpel on each side of its caudal peduncle that it uses for defense, which remains folded to a groove when not in use
ScalesWhite and translucent,
ColorsBluish-purple body, yellow tail, yellow accents on its pectoral fin, black spots on their heads, black horizontal lines across the sides of their bodies
Size (How big do they get)10 inches (25.4 cm)
LifespanApproximately 10 years
Sexual DimorphismPresent, but minimal; males are bigger and also brighter particularly during the mating season than their female counterparts
Probable Diseases Head and lateral line erosion (HLLE), marine ich, and cloudy eye
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$10-20
Purple Tang Fish

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelIntermediate
Tank Size100 gallon (for a single tang)

Water Parameters

pH Level8.1 – 8.4
Temperature75° to 82°F (24 to 28°C)
Hardness8 – 10 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowModerate to high

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeSand, small gravels, live rocks, crevices
Tank MatesCompatible with: Foxface rabbitfish, emperor angelfish, clownfish species, as well as certain wrasse species

Incompatible with: Yellow tang as well as other tang species such as hippo tang, naso tang, powder blue tang, and also fish that have a similar size and shape as theirs
Suitable Position in the TankBottom


DietLive or frozen meaty food like mysis and brine shrimp; marine algae (nori, which one can place under the rock); flakes and pellets
Frequency 2-3 times a day
Yellowtail Tang

Important Things to Know for Fish Keepers

  • Your purple tang could develop white spots on its body because of ich (raised dots) or due to stress (irregular blotches). Seek medical help for ich, while in case of stress, consider changing a part of the tank or reef water.
  • In case you observe your tang’s purplish body turning pale, the reasons could be stress and improper nutrition. Besides checking the tank water, consider analyzing your fish’s diet and add more proteins and flakes. If you notice other symptoms like restlessness and loss of appetite, consult a vet.
Purple Tang Size


Q. Are purple tangs reef safe?

Yes, purple tangs are reef safe and would thrive peacefully when provided with proper swimming space, sufficient room for hiding, and adequate lighting.

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