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Peacock Gudgeon

By | Last Updated: 10th October 2020

Peacock gudgeon, also known as the peacock goby, is a freshwater fish of the Eleotridae family indigenous to the east of Papua New Guinea. Their multi-colored appearances with a prominent eyespot make them look beautiful and appealing as a peacock, resulting in their name. Their good look and pleasant behavior make them a sought-after choice among fish hobbyists.

Peacock Gudgeon

Quick Information

Scientific NameTateurndina ocellicauda
Other NamesPeacock goby
OriginEastern parts of Papua New Guinea, and also in different parts of Australia and New Zealand
Conservation StatusNot recorded
Behavioral CharacteristicsFriendly, peaceful, adjustable, dwelling contentedly in their given territories with other small fish
School Size6 – 8
Physical TraitsLong, slender body; round head, with a nuchal hump on the forehead, most prominent in males  
ColorsBluish and silvery with markings of black, yellow, and pink running throughout their body and fins; red stripes arranged laterally to their sides; yellow abdomen; and a big black eyespot at the starting point of their caudal fin  
SizeMales: 7.5 cm (3 inches); Females: 5 cm (2 inches)
Lifespan4 – 5 years
Sexual DimorphismPresent; Males are larger with a more pronounced nuchal hump, rounder body, and less bright coloration on their abdomens, without any black bars on the anal fins; Females are smaller, having a less pronounced nuchal hump, and a bright yellow abdomen with black bars along their anal fins’ edges
Probable DiseasesWhite spot, dropsy, hole in the head
Approximate Price$16 – 20
Male Peacock Gudgeon
Peacock Gudgeon Fish

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelBeginner, Intermediate, Expert
Tank Size10 – 15 gallons (38 – 57 liters) for a group of 4 – 5 fishes 

Water Parameters

pH Level6.0 – 7.0
Temperature72° to 78° F (22 to 26 °C)
Hardness6 – 12 dGH
Aquarium Water FlowModerate

Tank Ambience

LightingLow, subdued
Substrate TypeDark substrates like sand along with floating plants, driftwood, and rocks to help them thrive securely attain a vibrant coloration
Tank MatesCompatible with: Rainbowfishes, tetras, bettas, rasboras, cory catfish, dwarf gourami, guppies

Incompatible with: Big and aggressive fish like the green terror, red devil cichlid, dwarf cichlid
Suitable Position in the TankMiddle


DietFlakes, live or frozen diet of bloodworm and brine shrimp
Frequency2 – 3 times a day
Peacock Gudgeon Eggs
Peacock Gudgeon Goby

Important Things to Know For Fish Keepers

  • You can keep them with adult shrimp species (Amano shrimp, cherry shrimp), but not with juveniles as the peacock gudgeon would consider them their food.
  • If you find the peacock gudgeon with a really fat belly, it could be a female full of eggs. If the abdomen is light yellow, then it could be a male and might be bloated. Keep a close watch on its behavior and consult a fish vet if the need arises.
  • They like to thrive in clean water but experiences discomfort in case of high water flow. They are good jumpers and might also get out of the tank under such circumstances if the aquarium is not tightly lidded.
  • Though not aggressive, they, mainly the males, could display territorial behavior. So, demarcate their space well with substrates and wood when housing a couple of them together in a community tank.


Q. Is the peacock gudgeon a goby?

Though referred to as the peacock goby, the peacock gudgeon is not a goby in the real sense. They do not have fused pectoral fins, as seen in the gobies.

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