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Panda Cory (Panda Cory Catfish)

By | Last Updated: 3rd August 2020

Panda cory or panda corydoras, a catfish species is indigenous to the Ecuador and Peru regions of South America.  Randolph H. Richards was the first to collect this species in 1968, while Nijssen and Isbrücker named it Corydoras panda in 1971. The large black patch around its eyes, similar to a giant panda, earns the fish its name.

Panda Cory

Quick Information

Scientific NameCorydoras panda
Other NamesPanda corydoras, panda catfish
OriginEcuador, and Peru regions of South America
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusNot threatened
Behavioral CharacteristicsPeaceful,  and social, perfect to be kept as a community fish
School Size6 -7 
Physical TraitsSmall, slender body with a striped and patterned appearance; paired barbels (three sets); sharp barbs below each eye, in fronts of its dorsal fins, and upon its adipose fins
ScalesIt has horny plates called scutes throughout its body arranged in two rows instead of scales
ColorsOff-white or pinkish-orange body; prominent black mask around its eyes, going up to the head’s ventral portion, acquiring a triangular wedge;  black band surrounding the caudal peduncle from the dorsal to the ventral part
Size (How big do they get)Small; 1.5 inches (3.81 cm)
Lifespan10 – 15 years
Sexual DimorphismPresent; Males: Sleek and short; Females: Larger with a rounder underbelly
Probable Diseases Ich, fin rot, and red blotch disease
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$ 8 – 10
Panda Cory Catfish
Panda Cory Full Grown

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelBeginners
Tank Size10 gallons (37.85 liters) for a single panda cory  species

Water Parameters

pH Level6.0 – 7.0 
Temperature72° – 78°F (22.2 – 25.5°C)
Hardness2 – 12 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowFast 

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeFine gravel, sand, live plants, alongside caves, driftwood, and rocks for hiding
Tank MatesCompatible with: Clown loach, honey gourami, dwarf gourami, rasboras, guppies, betta, danios, tetras (that are small or medium in size)

Incompatible with: Green terror, oscar cichlid, red devil cichlid, tiger barb (due to their nipping tendency) and other aggressive species
Suitable Position in the TankBottom


DietLive and frozen foods like bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia, and tubifex, alongside dry food such as flakes, and pellets
Frequency 2-3 times a day
Panda Cory Fish
Panda Cory Size

Important Things to Know for Fish Keepers

  • Your panda cory, if stressed, may breathe heavily, turn white or pale, or swim up and down. The cause for its anxiety could be harassment from other species in the tank or inappropriate water conditions. In case it shows other symptoms like reduced movement and inability to eat, contact a fish vet at the earliest.
  • Some owners have mentioned their panda cory’s gills turning pinkish or red, ammonia-nitrate poisoning being one of the main reasons for the same. Under such circumstances, making a controlled water change is of utmost importance. Lessen the fish’s feeding schedule and do not add any new species to the tank unless the nitrate and ammonia levels stabilize. Refer to a fish expert for more assistance.
Dwarf Panda Cory
Corydoras Panda


Q. What are the different types of cory catfish species?

Besides the panda cory, there are other cory catfish species, though some are very close to each other in terms of color pattern, resulting in confusion. The types of cory catfish species include albino cory catfish, peppered cory catfish, pygmy cory catfish, emerald cory catfish, and Julii cory catfish.

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