Home / Rabbits / Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

By | Last Updated: 28th January 2020

The Netherland Dwarf, as the name indicates, is an extremely small breed of domestic rabbits known for its shy nature and cute appearance. It thrives in a calm and stable environment and does not like being picked up and cuddled frequently.

It was first created in the Netherlands during the early 20th century, as a result of successive crossings between small Polish rabbits and wild rabbits. The new breed was imported in the UK in 1948 and brought to the US during the 1960 and 70s. The American Rabbit Breeders Association recognized it in 1969.

Basic Information

How big do they get


Dwarf, 12-14 inches long


1.1-2.5 lbs


12-13 inches


12-13 inches

What do they look like

Fur Type

Short, soft, dense, shiny

Ear Type

Short, small, erect, well-proportioned, balanced, with rounded tips, about 2 inches long


Agouti Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Black Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Black Otter Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Blue Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Blue Point Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Blue-Eyed White Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Broken Black Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Broken Orange Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Champagne Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Chinchilla Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Choclate Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Chocolate Otter Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Cinnamon Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Fawn Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Fox Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Harlequin Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Lilac Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Lilac Otter Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Lynx Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Magpie Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Mantle Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Opal Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Orange Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Red Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Ruby-Eyed White Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Sable Marten Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Seal Point Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Smoke Pearl Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Squirrel Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Tan Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Tortoiseshell Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Care Level



Regularly spot-clean your Netherland Dwarf’s bedding to remove its droppings and make sure to clean its cage every week. It is prone to issues like misalignment of teeth (malocclusion) that can be corrected by taking your rabbit to the vet.

Cage Size

An indoor cage measuring at least 18 X 24 X 14 inches is needed. Use a larger enclosure of dimensions 48 X 24 X 24 inches to keep them in groups.


Unlimited supply of fresh hay, 1/8-1/4 cups of pellets, and a half cup of dark leafy greens per day




Brush its fur using a bristled brush once or twice a week, making sure that you stroke in the direction of the hairs. Clean its coat with a moist cloth if it gets smelly and dirty.




Being extremely energetic by nature, it requires 3-4 hours of exercise per day. Take it out of its enclosure and allow it to socialize so that it enjoys human interaction.




While the price of Netherland Dwarf rabbits varies between $25 and $75 depending on the quality, the overall cost of keeping it is average.




It sheds heavily during the spring and fall, which can be controlled with regular brushing.

Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

Did You Know

  • The Netherland Dwarfs look similar to Polish rabbits, but they have shorter ears, head, and neck, and more compact and rounded bodies.
  • You can easily litter-train Netherland Dwarfs because they have a tendency to eliminate in the same spot.
  • Netherland Dwarfs are crossed with Lionheads to produce cute, easygoing, and well-mannered rabbits that make fantastic pets for both adults and children.

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