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Honey Gourami

By | Last Updated: 11th June 2020

Honey gourami, belonging to the gourami family, is a freshwater fish indigenous to the Asian countries of Bangladesh and India. They acquire their name because of their honey-like yellowish-brown body. They are one among the several fish species to build bubble nests during mating. Their colorful appearance and pleasing demeanor make them a perfect aquarium fish.

Honey Gourami

Quick Information

Scientific NameTrichogaster chuna
Other NamesHoney dwarf gourami
OriginIndia, Bangladesh
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsEasy-going, hardy, timid, active, peaceful
School SizeThough not ideal for schooling, they do well when kept in a group of 4 – 6 (males honey gouramis get aggressive towards one another and should only be kept together if they have a big area to peacefully establish their territory)
Physical TraitsNarrow body, small anal and dorsal fins, as well as thread-like ventral fins
ColorsThe males and females vary when it comes to colorations; it is silvery grey or light yellow at the beginning for both the sexes;

Males: Reddish-orange or yellowish-brown body at maturation, an orangish tinge around their throat that brighten during the breeding period, black undersides with tinges of orange on their fins, barring the caudal fins

Females: Retain the silvery-grey or light yellow shades throughout, also appearing paler than males    
Size (How big do they get)Males: 3 inches (7.62 cm); Females: 2 inches (5.08 cm)
LifespanApproximately 5 – 8 years  
Sexual DimorphismPresent; Males: Big and bright with longer fins; Females: Smaller and paler with shorter fins
Probable Diseases Velvet disease (caused by a parasite), white spot, hole in the head
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$5 – 8
Female Honey Gourami
Honey Dwarf Gourami

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care Level Beginner
Tank Size10 gallons (37.8 liters)

Water Parameters

pH Level6.0  – 7.5
Temperature79° to 83°F (26 to 28°C)
Hardness4 – 15 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowLow

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeSand, live rocks, pebbles, and also plants
Tank MatesCompatible with: Harlequin rasbora, species of corydoras, guppies, endlers, small plecos, tetras (like the neon tetra), bettas (preferably females, and big tank size is a mandate), and angelfish (provided if a single species of it is kept); can even do well with snails

Incompatible with: Other honey gouramis (especially males), gourami species like the pearl gourami; clown barbs and tiger barbs; as well as shrimps (since the honey gourami can eat them)
Suitable Position in the TankMiddle or top


DietLive or frozen diet of brine shrimp, tubifex, and blood worms; algae-based flakes; pellets; and vegetable tablets
Frequency 2 times a day  
Honey Gourami Size
Honey Gourami Fish

Important Things to Know for Fish Keepers

  • Many have often mentioned of their honey gourami getting darker or turning black. There is no cause to worry as this is a common breeding behavior, mainly when building a bubble nest. If they show other symptoms like lack of appetite and restlessness, alongside their black spots, then consult a veterinarian at once.
  • A properly lidded aquarium is essential as the honey gouramis often tend to jump out.


Q. Are the sunset gourami and gold gourami the same as honey gourami?

No, the sunset gourami and gold gourami are two different strains of the honey gourami. The sunset gourami has a red-orange body, while the gold gourami possesses a light orange shade with rust markings. There are other strains too of the honey gourami, namely the red flame gourami, red honey gourami, sunburst gourami, red robin gourami, and red honey fire gourami, each known for their distinct colorations and patterns.

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