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Flame Angelfish

By | Last Updated: 18th May 2020

Flame angelfish, belonging to the Pomacanthidae family, primarily dwell in the tropical regions of the Pacific ocean. Their bright, vibrant appearance makes them an exciting addition to any aquarium.

Flame Angelfish

Quick Information

Scientific NameCentropyge loriculus
Other NamesFlaming angelfish, flame angel, Japanese pygmy angelfish
OriginReefs of Oceania mainly in the Crook, Marshall, and the Line Islands; Western Pacific area including the Hawaiian, Belau, Ducie, and the Marquesas Islands; Central Pacific region comprising the Christmas and the Marshall Islands
TypeSaltwater fish
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsTimid, and shy (when new to the aquarium) but gains momentum eventually; moderate aggression seen in males while interacting with species of the same sex; both the genders could display territorial behavior with other species having the same size and color as theirs
School Size3 – 5 (best when kept in pairs, while groups should have a single male to avoid conflict)
Physical TraitsNo prominent physical features have been noted apart from their bright colorations and striped patterns
ScalesSmall in size
ColorsOrange-red body; elongated black stripes arranged vertically at the center and to the sides in four or five bars; short black, and purplish-blue bands at the posterior end of their anal and dorsal fins; their colorations and body patterns alter according to the place where they belong to
Size (How big do they get)Big; 6 inches (15.24 cm) long
Lifespan5 – 7 years   
Sexual DimorphismSlightly present; Males are bigger with a brighter and more prominent coloration than their female counterparts  
Probable Diseases Marine ich, cloudy eyes
Approximate Price$70 – 150
Flame Dwarf Angelfish

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelBeginner
Tank Size30 gallons (113.5 liters) for a single species; 55 – 70 gallons (208 – 265 liters) for pairs; the size should keep increasing by about 20 gallons to add more numbers

Water Parameters

pH Level8.1 – 8.4
Temperature75 – 80°F (24 – 27°C)
Hardness8 – 12 dGH
Salinity1.020 – 1.025
Aquarium  Water FlowModerate

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeRubbles, live rocks, and foliage
Tank MatesCompatible with: Clownfish, yellow tang, anthias, species of the wrasse family, and other flame angelfish species particularly if kept in pairs

Incompatible with: Coral beauty angelfish, and certain other species that are bigger and more aggressive than them; supervision needed when kept with corals and other invertebrates because of their nipping behavior
Suitable Position in the TankAt any level (Low, middle, or bottom)


DietAn omnivorous diet of mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, table shrimp, tuna, seaweed sheet, spirulina, and marine algae
Frequency 3 times a day
Flame Angel
Flame Angelfish Picture

Important Things to Know for Fish Keepers

  • They are sensitive to copper, so one should avoid using this metal for tubes or decorations in the tank.
  • Despite having a territorial nature, they can dwell with aggressive fish, provided the latter are smaller in size.


Q. How does the flame angelfish living in different parts of the world differ in colorations from one another?

Flame angels in the Marshall Islands have a more reddish body with thick black bars, while those in the Christmas Islands possess a reddish-orange hue with thinner black bars. The Hawaiian species, on the other hand, are larger with a deep, vibrant shade of red.

Q. Is the flame angelfish reefsafe?

The flame angelfish is reef-safe though if not nourished properly may nip at or even eat corals and other invertebrates.

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