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Crested Guinea Pig

By | Last Updated: 15th June 2020

The crested guinea pig is a lovable breed of domestic guinea pigs that look exactly similar to the American guinea pig except that they have a rosette or swirl on their forehead. They come in two types – the first is the white crested or American crested guinea pig in which the rosette is white (unlike the rest of their coat) while the second is the self crested or English crested guinea pig in which the crest and their body have the same color. In 1974, the white crested got its recognition from the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA). The British Cavy Council (BCC) has recognized both the American crested and English crested guinea pigs.

Crested Guinea Pig

Basic Information

Kept As:Show cavy, indoor pet, outdoor pet
Suited For:Beginners, singles, seniors, families with children
Origin:US and UK
Temperament:Curious, intelligent, shy, reserved
Lifespan:5-7 years
Association/Clubs:Crested Cavy Club
Breed Standard:American Cavy Breeders Association British Cavy Council

How Big do They Get

Size: 10-12 inches long

Weight: 1.5-2.5 lbs

Height: 11-13 inches

Width: About 11-14 inches

Agouti Crested Guinea Pig
Roan Crested Guinea Pig

What do They Look Like

Fur Length: Short-haired

Fur Texture: Smooth, dense, with a single rosette centered on their forehead

Color: Golden, agouti, roan, brindle, black, cream, calico

Care Level

The crested guinea pigs are easy to keep, and they need little grooming. Their cages need to be spot cleaned every day, and any soiled bedding should be pulled out.

Cage Size

An indoor cage with dimensions 30 X 50 X 20 inches with a floor space of 1512 square inches is suitable for two guinea pigs, but a bigger enclosure gives them more room to run and exercise.

Brindle Crested Guinea Pig
Cream Crested Guinea Pig


Lots of timothy hay, a small bowl of leafy greens along with carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, bell peppers, and zucchini, about 1/8-1/6 of vitamin C-rich pellets, a few pieces of fresh fruits such as strawberry, oranges, and kiwi per day


Brush their fur once a week using a soft brush and make sure to do so in the direction of the hair. Clip their nails every month to prevent those from growing long. You may give them a bath using a gentle shampoo only when their coat gets dirty or smelly.


Allow your guinea pig to run and play in a safe area outside its cage for at least one hour per day. You can also give them some pet-safe toys, including tunnels, chew toys, and hammocks, to keep them engaged.


Prices of crested guinea pigs vary depending on the quality, ranging from $10 to $20. They are not an expensive breed to own, and their yearly maintenance cost is average.

Black Crested Guinea Pig
Golden Crested Guinea Pig


They do molt during spring-early summer months, which can be managed by frequent brushing every week.

Did You Know

  • Crested guineas, being an intelligent breed, quickly familiarize themselves with certain voices and understand sounds, like a sound that indicates feeding time.

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