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Celestial Pearl Danio

By | Last Updated: 31st October 2020

Celestial pearl danio, popularly known as galaxy rasbora or galaxy in the aquarium trade, is a small fish species indigenous to the Myanmar region. Its discovery dates back to 2006 when its popularity among fish hobbyist increased due to its small size teamed with its bright coloration. It was initially thought to be a part of the Microrasbora genus, as it bore resemblance with the Microrasbora erythromicron. However, it was later identified as a member of the Danio genus.

Celestial Pearl Danio

Quick Information

Scientific NameDanio margaritatus
Other NamesGalaxy rasbora, galaxy
OriginBurma, in the regions adjacent to Hopong to the eastern part of the Inle Lake
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusData Deficient (as noted by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsHardy, peaceful, timid, and adjusting; but male-male aggression fighting for a female can be seen
School Size5 – 6 (though they also prefer spending time alone upon adjusting to their surrounding)
Physical Traits (What do they look like)Small and plump with a blunt snout;
ColorsDeep blue covered with tiny pearl-like spots; red or deep orange fins all of which (but for the pectoral fins) remain intersected with two black lines running parallel
Size (How big do they get)Small; 2.54 cm (1 inch) when fully grown
Lifespan3 – 5 years
Sexual DimorphismPresent; Males: Bright blue body with vibrant-colored fins, prominent spots and black lines, and a red belly (mostly seen in a courting male); Females: Dull bluish-green body, less vibrant fins, less noticeable spots, and black lines and a yellowish-white belly
Probable DiseasesSwim bladder disease, fungal and bacterial infections, tail rot, and fin rot
Approximate Price (How much are they for)$15 – 20
Female Celestial Pearl Danio
Celestial Pearl Danio Eggs

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelIntermediate
Tank Size10 gallons (37.8 liters) for 5 – 6 fish species

Water Parameters

pH Level6.5 – 7.5
Hardness2 – 10 dGH
Aquarium Water FlowSlow

Tank Ambience

LightingModerate to high
Substrate TypeDark fine sand, gravels, and plants
Tank MatesCompatible with: Guppies, tetras (neon, ember), cory catfish, killifish,  molly fish,  white cloud mountain minnow, emerald dwarf rasbora, dropsy, Endler’s livebearer, gouramis (honey gourami, sparkling gourami), and all other peaceful similar-sized fish, dwelling in the top or middle of the tank They can coexist with Amano shrimp and cherry shrimp, though not the juveniles.

Incompatible with: Big aggressive species, particularly the tangs and cichlid, and even those dwelling at the bottom of the tank
Suitable Position in the TankBottom


Diet  (What do they eat)Dy flakes, pellets, brine shrimp, live daphnia, grindal worms, algae wafers
Frequency2 – 3 times a day
Danio Celestial Pearl
Celestial Pearl Danio Size

Important Things To Know For Fish Keepers

  • Your pearl danios chasing each other in a fish tank. It could probably be male-male aggression to establish their dominance on the female. So, keep more females than males in the tank for a peaceful environment.
  • Some owners have often mentioned seeing their danios engaged in a rhythmic movement, just like a dance. This could either be a male-male interaction in pursuit of occupying their territory or a male-female courting dance.
  • Fish keepers of the celestial pearl danio have spoken about their fish’s fins suddenly being clamped, coupled with erratic swimming. The reasons may include a fungal infection or even inappropriate water conditions. Addressing these issues may help to get things back to normal. You may even consult a fish vet regarding the same.
  • If you find your celestial pearl danios too shy to get to the top, consider introducing “dither fish” (maybe those of the Danio genus or even tetras) to help them get over their nervousness.
Celestial Pearl Danio Fish
Galaxy Rasbora


Q. Can celestial pearl danios live with bettas?

Though both the celestial pearl danios and most betta species are suitable for living in a community tank, they cannot dwell with one another. The main reason is the difference in the water temperature of both the fish. While the bettas need warm temperature, the celestial pearl danios thrive in cold water.

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