Home / Fish / Albino Bristlenose Pleco

Albino Bristlenose Pleco

By | Last Updated: 5th July 2020

Albino bristlenose pleco belonging to the Loricariidae family is a small-sized freshwater fish. Indigenous to parts of South America, this species has a hardy, pleasant demeanor for a great aquarium fish.

Albino Bristlenose Pleco

Quick Information

Scientific NameAncistrus dolichopterus
Other NamesBushymouth pleco, Albino bushynose, bushynose pleco,
OriginMiddle Amazon Basin, Rio Negro basin, as well as the Tapajos, Tefe, Madeira, and Trombetas rivers
TypeFreshwater fish
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (by the IUCN)
Behavioral CharacteristicsPeaceful, and hardy, but may get aggressive with other males of their species
School Size2 – 3
Physical TraitsSmall, flat body; round mouth; elongated lips; tentacle-like appendages on their head upon maturity; pair of pectoral and abdominal fins
ColorsBrown, gray or olive body with white or light-yellow spots; pinkish-red eyes;
Size (How big do they get)Small; 4 – 5 inches (10 – 13 cm)
Growth RateThey grow at a moderate pace, reaching their full size by the time they are 2
Lifespan (How long do they live)5 years
Sexual DimorphismMales: Big in size with whiskers and larger bristles on their head, alongside spikes on fins;

Females: Smaller with bristles on their snout without whiskers and spikes on the fins
Probable Diseases Ich
Approximate Price (How much is it for)$ 4 – 6
Albino Bristlenose Pleco Male or Female
Baby Albino Bristlenose Pleco

Tank Setup & Care Sheet Details

Care LevelBeginner
Tank Size30 gallons (113.5 liters)

Water Parameters

pH Level6.5 – 7.5
Temperature73 – 85 °F (23 – 27°C)
Hardness10 – 30 dGH
Aquarium  Water FlowModerate 

Tank Ambience

Substrate TypeRocks,  and pebbles, as well as driftwood, caves, and overhangs for hiding
Tank MatesCompatible with:  Neon tetra, platy, guppies, bettas, and certain cichlid species like the African cichlid; invertebrates like shrimps

Incompatible with: Highly aggressive and territorial fish
Suitable Position in the TankBottom


DietLive or fresh, meaty food like brine shrimp, bloodworms; algae wafers; pellets; vegetable flakes, and fresh vegetables like zucchini, shelled peas, and cucumber
Frequency 2 – 3 times a day
Albino Bristlenose Pleco Size
Albino Bristlenose Pleco Fish

Important Things to Know for Fish Keepers

  • Owners have mentioned of their albino plecos developing red spots, which could be an effect of the food they consume or even a change in the water condition. Consider adding algae wafers to their diet if you have not yet and also do a partial water change on a routine basis. In case the problem persists, and you spot other symptoms too, then consult a fish vet.


Q. What are the different varieties of bristlenose pleco?

Besides the albino bristlenose pleco, other varieties include the longfin bristlenose pleco, starlight bristlenose pleco, calico bristlenose pleco, and super red bristlenose pleco.

Q. Are there blue-eyed albino bristlenose pleco

Blue-eyed albino bristlenose pleco are present but rare to find.

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