Several aquarium fish require a heater as their native conditions tend to be tropical and warmer. However, if one lacks the space for it, plenty of fish have the sturdiness required to be kept in unheated tanks. These include tetras, goldfish, and loaches.
These different types of popular fish live in cold water habitats, arranged by their care level. Other necessary information like their pH level, temperature requirements, tank size, and price have been specified to help a prospective pet owner make an informed decision.
These tetras are schooling fish and, as such, should be kept in groups of 5-6. While mostly harmless, they are known to bite the edges of fish with long fins like angelfish.
They cost between $2.99 and $4.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Semi-aggressive |
Size | 2-3 inches | Tank Size | 15 gallons |
Water Temperature | 64°-82°F | Life Expectancy | 5-8 years |
pH | 6-8 | Compatible With | Fish with small fins |
The White Cloud Mountain Minnow is often considered a “poor man’s Neon Tetra” because of its similar coloration and lower price. However, these fish are hardy enough to survive in most environments.
These minnows cost between $2 and $5.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1.5 inches | Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 58°-72°F | Life Expectancy | 5-7 years old |
pH | 6.0-8.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
While this tetra is popular due to how easy it is to raise and its overall hardiness, it is known to chew on the leaves of aquarium plants.
A Buenos Aires Tetra costs between $2.99 and $8.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 2.8 inches | Tank Size | 30 gallons |
Water Temperature | 64°-82°F | Life Expectancy | 3-5 years |
pH | 5.8-8.5 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These fish are prevalent among enthusiasts as they recognize their humans and can be pretty social. Whenever a storm approaches, they start swimming vertically, earning them the name “Storm Loach.”
They cost between $4.99 and $19.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 5-8 inches | Tank Size | 55 gallons |
Water Temperature | 65°-75°F | Life Expectancy | 7-10 years |
pH | 6.5-8.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
Like the Fancy Guppy, the Endler’s Livebearer is colorful and hardy. Best to keep a ratio of 3 females to 1 male, as these fish are prolific breeders.
These cost between $3.99 and $9.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Relatively peaceful |
Size | 1-1.8 inches | Tank Size | 20 gallons |
Water Temperature | 64°-84°F | Life Expectancy | 2-3 years |
pH | 5.5-8.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
Also called the Chinese Barb, these fish are schooling by nature and should be kept in groups of 7-8.
One of these barbs is priced between $2 and $4.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Semi-aggressive |
Size | 2.5-3 inches | Tank Size | 20 gallons |
Water Temperature | 61°-75°F | Life Expectancy | 4-6 years |
pH | 6.0-8.0 | Compatible With | Other gold barbs |
Also called the Medaka Ricefish, these fish are known for their easygoing nature and can be kept with most fish without any hassle.
These cost between $4 and $15.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1.5 inches | Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 64°-71°F | Life Expectancy | 1-4 years |
pH | 7.0-8.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
Colloquially referred to as the “zebrafish”, the Zebra Danio is a schooling fish known for its durability.
A single Danio is priced at $2.99
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1-1.5 inches | Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 70°-82°F | Life Expectancy | 3-5 years |
pH | 6-8 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
As their name indicates, these fish feed on mosquito larvae in their natural habitat. Since mosquitoes tend to grow in stagnant waters, the Mosquito Fish is hardy enough to survive in most environments.
Their price ranges from $1.89 to $1.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Semi-aggressive |
Size | 1.5-2.5 inches | Tank Size | 5 gallons |
Water Temperature | 50°-84°F | Life Expectancy | 1 year |
pH | 6.5-8.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish of the same size. |
These schooling fish are hardy and, as a bonus, pretty to look at while they swim in groups.
These fish cost around $2.99 to $22.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1.2 inches | Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 72°-76°F | Life Expectancy | 6-7 years |
pH | 6-7 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These barbs are a beautiful red and very low maintenance. However, they nibble on the leaves of aquarium plants and the fins of certain fish.
A single fish costs $4 to $5.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 3 inches | Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 60°-75°F | Life Expectancy | 5 years |
pH | 6-8 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
The Rosy Red Minnow is known for its hardiness and tends to be used as feeder fish. However, they are also great pets.
One of them costs about $2.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 3 inches | Tank Size | 15 gallons |
Water Temperature | 50°-78°F | Life Expectancy | 2-4 years |
pH | 6-8 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These platies are very popular for their orange color with black accents.
A single platy costs between $2.99 and $11.99.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 2-2.8 inches | Tank Size | 15 gallons |
Water Temperature | 68°-79°F | Life Expectancy | 3-4 years |
pH | Above 7.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These plecos are beloved among novice fish owners as the Bristlenose loves to feed on the algae that end up on the walls of its tank. This helps to keep the walls of the tank clean.
They cost between $7.99 and $20.99
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 5 inches | Tank Size | 40 gallons |
Water Temperature | 73°-81°F | Life Expectancy | 5-10 years |
pH | 5.8-7.8 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These tiny fish are known for their hardiness and can live in diverse environments.
A single fish should cost between $5 and $7.
Care Level | Beginner | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 0.75-1.5 inches | Tank Size | 5 gallons |
Water Temperature | 66°-75°F | Life Expectancy | 3 years |
pH | 7.0-8.0 | Compatible With | Other least killifish |
Care Level | Intermediate | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 2.5-3 inches | Tank Size | 20-30 gallons |
Water Temperature | 67°-76°F | Life Expectancy | 1-2 years |
pH | 6.5-8.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
A mini catfish that’s a bit slow on the uptake, the Asian Stone Catfish is popular among enthusiasts because of its hardiness and gentle behavior.
Prices range between $5.99 and $28.99.
Care Level | Intermediate | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1.2 inches | Tank Size | 3-10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 64°-75°F | Life Expectancy | 4-5 years |
pH | 5.6 – 7.6 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
While pretty to look at due to their bright colors, the Clown Killifish should not be kept with breeding fish as they may feed on the fry. They become more colorful as they age.
On average, these fish cost between $4 and $8.
Care Level | Intermediate | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1-6 inches | Tank Size | 5-10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 68°-79° F | Life Expectancy | 3-5 years |
pH | 4.0-7.0 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These goldfish can be distinguished from similar species because they lack a shoulder hump.
A single Fancy Goldfish costs between $4.99 and $5.99.
Care Level | Intermediate | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 8-12 inches | Tank Size | 20 gallons |
Water Temperature | 65°-72°F | Life Expectancy | 10-15 years |
pH | 6.5 – 7.5 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
It is a colorful social fish that can survive in aquariums without heating.
This Danio costs between $2.99 and $8.99.
Care Level | Intermediate | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 1 inch | Tank Size | 10 gallons |
Water Temperature | 73°-79°F | Life Expectancy | 3-5 years |
pH | 6.5-7.5 | Compatible With | Peaceful fish |
These loaches love running water, with their bodies having evolved to be low and flat. They tend to be shy and prefer to hide when kept alone, but they become more active around other fish.
Their prices may vary, ranging between $14.99 and $29.99.
Care Level | Intermediate-Expert | Temperament | Peaceful |
Size | 2-3 inches | Tank Size | 50 gallons |
Water Temperature | 68°-75°F | Life Expectancy | 8-10 years |
pH | 6.6-7.8 | Compatible With | Other loaches |