The Giant Chinchilla, the largest of the Chinchilla rabbits, is a cross between the Flemish Giant and Standard Chinchilla. Although it is mostly used as a commercial rabbit, the Giant Chinchilla is now commonly kept as house pets. These rabbits come with a semi-arched body that is characterized by strong legs and feet, a white underbelly, and silvery topcoat that may have bands of black, white, blue, and pearl.
After the Standard Chinchillas arrived in the US, the breeders worked toward developing a larger breed for fur and meat. Eventually, Edward H. Stahl, an American breeder, successfully produced Giant Chinchillas by crossing the Standard Chinchillas with New Zealand Whites, American Blue, and White Flemish rabbits. In 1928, the new breed was acknowledged by the American Rabbit Breeders’ Association (ARBA).
House rabbit, indoor or outdoor rabbit
First-time owners, singles, families with seniors and children
Calm, gentle, docile, playful, easygoing
7-10 years
Giant, 20-24 inches long
12-16 lbs
21-24 inches
About 21-25 inches
Short, soft, flyback
Medium-length, straight, erect
Clean the bottom of the cage every day to remove its feces and urine deposits; be sure to keep the outdoor enclosures covered from sun and rain.
Needs a large cage, approximately measuring 36 X 36 X 48 inches, a larger outdoor enclosure of dimensions 92 X 46 X 31 inches may be used for a group of bunnies
Mainly fresh hay (about 70% of its daily diet), 1/2-3/4 cups of quality pellets, a few slices of fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens
Brush its short, flyback fur once every two to three weeks, rub a moist cloth over your bunny’s coat when it gets dirty
Give them rabbit toys so that it can spend time playing with them in indoor cages, keep them busy with outdoor exercise equipment like buckets of hay and boxes and ramps to climb on
Their prices range between $40 and $100, while the annual cost of keeping them is low to average
A moderate shedder, but the loss of fur may increase during spring and summer, which can be managed with brushing once or twice per week